An article examined a probation programme for racially motivated offenders. The content and delivery of the programme were in line with what research suggested should be helpful practice with this group of offenders, and the programme was a positive example of skilled, creative practice.
Source: Julia Palmer and David Smith, 'Promoting human dignity: an evaluation of a programme for racially motivated offenders', Probation Journal, Volume 57 Number 4
Links: Abstract
Date: 2010-Dec
An article said that even with unrealistically perfect data it was 'surprisingly difficult' to gain any benefit from ethnic/racial profiling for security purposes.
Source: William Press, 'To catch a terrorist: can ethnic profiling work?', Significance, Volume 7 Issue 4
Links: Abstract | RSS press release
Date: 2010-Dec
Researchers sought to identify the prevalence of racially motivated offending among young people in England and Wales and to shed light on the response to racially motivated offending within the youth justice system.
Source: Aidan Wilcox, Hannah Smithson, Kris Christmann, Leanne Monchuk and Kevin Wong, Racially Motivated Offending and Targeted Interventions, Youth Justice Board for England and Wales/Home Office
Links: Report
Date: 2010-Oct
An article examined the role of government in policy and practice developments regarding hate crime since the publication of the Lawrence Inquiry report (concerning a racist murder) in 1999. It summarized the progress that agencies had made in addressing the role of bias and hate in anti-social behaviour and offending.
Source: Liz Dixon, 'Tackling hate by driving diversity: a New Labour success story?', Probation Journal, Volume 57 Number 3
Links: Abstract
Date: 2010-Sep
An article examined the prevalence of racially motivated offending (RMO) among young people, and youth justice system responses to it. The majority of provision was multifaceted but also ad hoc, and did not address the evidence on the causes of RMO. The multiplicity of causes needed to be reflected in the interventions designed to tackle it.
Source: Hannah Smithson, Aidan Wilcox and Leanne Monchuk, 'Current responses to youth racially motivated offending', Youth Justice, Volume 10 Number 2
Links: Abstract
Date: 2010-Aug
An article examined the contributions of social scientists to the meaning of institutional racism and the police response to racial violence. The concept of institutional racism had recently tended to be disowned or downgraded, while racial violence had became subsumed within the broader category of 'hate crime'.
Source: Karim Murji, 'Applied social science? Academic contributions to the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry and their consequences', Journal of Social Policy, Volume 39 Issue 3
Links: Abstract
Date: 2010-Jul
A report examined the extent and nature of racial violence. Certain groups of people were particularly at risk: 'dispersed' asylum-seekers; newly-arrived migrant workers; and those who looked Muslim and/or worked in isolating trades such as taxi-cabbing, food take-aways, and small shops and eateries.
Source: Harmit Athwal, Jenny Bourne and Rebecca Wood, Racial Violence: The Buried Issue, Institute of Race Relations
Links: Report | IRR press release | Telegraph report
Date: 2010-Jun
A new book examined whether there were better ways of understanding and responding to hate crime.
Source: Neil Chakraborti (ed.), Hate Crime: Concepts, policy, future directions, Willan Publishing
Links: Summary
Date: 2010-Apr